The implementation of the projects under the Swiss-Latvian Cooperation Programme 2007-2017 was completed on 13.06.2017. The Swiss programme was officially closed by the competent authorities on 20.12.2017.
The Swiss – Latvian Cooperation Programme was a financial assistance instrument used in addition to the financial assistance from the European Union Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, as well as from the European Economic Area and the Norwegian Financial Instruments. The Swiss financial assistance complements these programmes and focuses mainly on projects that are not or partly financed from other financial sources.
The Swiss – Latvian cooperation programme was focused on two objectives:
1. to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities between Latvia and the more advanced Member States of the enlarged European Union, and
2. to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities between Latvia’s dynamic urban centres and structurally weak peripheral regions.
Funding available for projects - 56.8 million CHF (~48.5 million EUR), of which 55.4 million CHF (47.3 million EUR) or 97% actually invested.
12 projects implemented
Programme closed 20.12.2017.