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Swiss-Latvian > 2007-2017 > Priority areas and funding
Focus areas Form of implementation, objectives and possible activitiesIndicative financial allocation
Million CHF Million EUR*
1. Security, stability and support for reforms
1.Regional development initiatives in peripheral or disadvantaged regionsObjective 1: To strengthen structures and capacities on regional and local government level

Form of implementation - Individual project

Possible activities:

1. Transportation system analysis of local governments after implementation of administrative-territorial reform and definition of activities for improvements;

2. Implementation of local governments activities by ensuring the transportation of school children and related support measures;

3. Support for fire safety measures in local government general education institutions.
Objective 2: To support youth in its development.

Form of implementation - Programme

Possible activities:

1. Youth initiatives in regions: school exchange, campaign for youth mobilisation, training courses (e.g. application training, computer training), job fairs etc.;

2. Training of social workers to provide support to youth in crisis.
2. Modernisation of the judiciaryForm of implementation - Individual project

Objective: To enhance the performance of the judicial system and the access to justice.

Possible activities:

1. Optimisation of judicial management including the improvement of judicial procedures, the management of costs, the strengthening of the use of electronic means, the improvement of proceedings, the introduction of video-translations and the capacity building of personnel;

2. Enhancement of access to justice including citizen information (awareness campaigns, brochures, etc.), reduction of access costs and improvement of physical accessibility.
2. Environment and infrastructure 
3.Rehabilitation and modernisation of basic infrastructureForm of implementation - Individual project

Objective: To improve the environment in order to increase living standards and promote economic development.

Possible activities:

1. Rehabilitation of hazardous waste dumping sites;

2. Hazardous waste management;

3. Remediation of historically polluted sites.
3. Support for private sector
4.Improved regulation of the financial sector and improving access to financing Form of implementation - Individual project

Objective 1: To support the effective implementation and enforcement of the Acquis Communautaire targeted to Corporate Financial Reporting.

Possible activities: Institutional and regulatory capacity building for corporate sector financial reporting and auditing at the national level.

Objective 2: To promote employment creation through the support of the private sector.

Possible activities: Micro Lending Programme for small and micro enterprises and self-employed persons.
4. Human resource and social development
5. Research and developmentForm of implementation - Block Grant

Objective: To strengthen the scientific potential through enhanced access to education and research through selective promotion programmes.

Possible activities:

1. Scholarships for research work in Switzerland for doctoral degree students and junior researchers (2,28 million CHF);

2. Short term grants for researchers from Swiss institutions to do lecturing or to share research experience in Latvian institutions (0,22 million CHF).
 5. Special Allocations
NGO Block Grant Form of implementation - Block Grant

Objective: To promote civil society's contribution to economic and social cohesion as important actors of development and participation.

Possible activities: Small Project Block grant(s) for the civil society/NGOs contributing primarily to social service provision as well as environmental concerns, allowing to strengthen organisational capacities.
Technical Assistance Project (including Project Preparation Facility)Latvian administration of the Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme including preparation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, as well as support for the preparation of final project proposals.0,270,22
Swiss Programme Management and CRUS** management costsSwiss administration of the Latvian-Swiss Cooperation Programme and CRUS management costs of the Scholarship Fund.3,182,61
Total financing of the Swiss-Latvian Cooperation Programme59,8849,29
* Exchange rate of the Bank of Latvia on 15.07.2014. used 1 EUR=1.2142 CHF.
** The Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities.